The bustling city of Naples is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. Established by the Greeks, and developed under the Romans. Throughout its history, it demonstrated an uncanny ability to absorb and integrate different cultures while maintaining its unique identity. Many of the original oldest buildings and streets have been built over during the intervening centuries. Our guides, however, know where to look to discover traces of the city's most ancient history.
Join us on our mission to uncover traces of this ancient past of Naples. Greek and Roman influences remain a cornerstone of the city, seen in its urban plan, architectural design, and cultural traditions. The undeniable charm of Naples lies in the layers of civilizations that are stacked upon one another, with the ancient world still visible beneath the vibrant life of the modern city.
Join us on our discovery of Naples, a significant center of the ancient Mediterranean world. It is a journey you can’t miss!
*The tour starts with a minimum of 5 participants.
During the 2 hour tour, you will see and discover:
- Piazza Bellini
- Via Tribunali
- Nile statue
- Pulcinella statue
- Via Spaccanapoli
- San Gregorio Armeno
- Piazza Domenico Maggiore