(100 ratings)


Benvenuto ad Hanoi, il cuore del Vietnam. Siamo un piccolo gruppo con il desiderio di aiutare i visitatori ad avere bei ricordi di questa bellissima città. Crediamo che, chiunque tu sia, da qualunque parte tu venga, meriti di sperimentare i migliori servizi con qualsiasi budget. Siamo fiduciosi di poterti offrire esperienze meravigliose sulla diversità di cultura, vita, cibo, economia, politica e soprattutto sulla narrazione coinvolgente della storia del Vietnam.

3 Tour di Stella

Ratings (100)

(1 Rating)
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Aug 2024

(4 Ratings) Friburgo in Brisgovia
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - Aug 2024

Stella was very sweet and told us a lot about the food and Vietnam in general. I would definitely recommend to do the tour with her and not with the professional companies on here. We were a small group and she took time to speak with everyone of us 🤗

(1 Rating) Singapore
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Aug 2024

(1 Rating) Wellington
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Aug 2024

We had a great time walking to and eating in places we had not ventured into ourselves under Stella’s stewardship. Thank you!

(3 Ratings) Londra
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Aug 2024

Stella was an amazing guide. it was like meeting a friend. she talked about her home life and a little history of the country explaining the cultures and some traditions. it was a true insite for what it is like to live here as a young person. Her English was fantastic, she took us to places you would never have know existed. from the shop front it looks small but there are always places out the back and upstairs with a plus of having aircon to escape the street temperatures.

Destinazioni a cui Stella offre tour

(100 ratings)
