

  • 3217
(11 ratings)


Sono una guida turistica poliglotta certificata nazionale in Marocco, parlo arabo, francese, inglese, giapponese e coreano e offro i migliori tour su misura per singoli e gruppi. Ti preghiamo di prenotare all'orario che preferisci e il tour sarà offerto nella tua lingua. L'orario di inizio e il punto d'incontro possono essere concordati al momento della prenotazione! Cari viaggiatori! Benvenuti in Marocco, la mia amata patria, dove ogni angolo nasconde una storia in attesa di svolgersi. Come guida dedicata, mi impegno a svelare le gemme nascoste e il ricco arazzo culturale che definiscono questo vibrante paese. Oltre a mostrare semplicemente i punti di riferimento, creo esperienze coinvolgenti che approfondiscono l'anima del Marocco, offrendo approfondimenti sulla sua storia, tradizioni e vita moderna. Con una profonda comprensione dei ritmi delle nostre città, miro a connettere i viaggiatori con l'autentica essenza del Marocco. Dall'esplorazione di siti antichi alla navigazione in mercati affollati e quartieri affascinanti, ogni tour è progettato per accendere la curiosità e lasciare un'impressione duratura. Con itinerari personalizzati e approfondimenti locali, mi assicuro che ogni viaggio sia unico come i viaggiatori stessi. Grazie per considerarmi la tua guida attraverso le incantevoli strade del Marocco. Intraprendiamo un viaggio insieme, dove ogni momento è una celebrazione del nostro ricco patrimonio e delle nostre esperienze condivise. Sentiti libero di personalizzare il tuo tour in base alle tue preferenze e lascia che ti assista nella creazione di un'avventura marocchina memorabile e indimenticabile. Esploriamo il Marocco, una storia avvincente alla volta!

1 Tour di SERRAR

Ratings (11)

(1 Rating) San Antonio
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Aug 2024

We had a great afternoon and evening with SERRAR. He took us places we would not have seen or known about without his knowledge. We went to various places where tourists were not. He is extremely knowledgeable and shared many interesting facts about Casablanca, its history, and culture. It was just what we wanted. He spent a very long time with us which was good and bad. We flew in late the night before and were exhausted by the end of the tour. We expected around 4 hours and it was closer to 6 hours.

Risposta di SERRAR :
Dear Scott, Thank you very much for your review. I really enjoyed your company! I wish you a safe and enjoyable holiday. Best regards
(3 Ratings) Ottawa
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Aug 2024

I will definitely recommend Serrar's tour to anyone visiting Morroco and Casablanca. It exceeded my expectations by a big margin! In my previous experiences, tour guides were disappointed or even cancel tours when they get a low turnout. But not Serrar! Even though I was the only one on the tour, he gave his best on the tour and provided a personalized experience. He was patient, answering all my Qs, and helped me take pictures. His passion for his city and country was very apparent! I encourage all visitors to Casablanca to take a tour with Serrar, they will be positively surprised.

Risposta di SERRAR :
Dear Vish, Thank you very much for your wonderful words. I am very happy you enjoyed the tour! I hope to see you again soon for another experience. Best regards,
(7 Ratings) Glen Ridge
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Aug 2024

This tour guide is unprofessional and crooked. He confirmed to meet at my hotel less than 10 hours ago but didn't show up. When I asked the hotel front desk to reach him, he asked me to take a taxi to meet him. The hotel staff asked me don't go as it is highly unprofessional and scam like behavior. In summary, don't waste your time on this dude.

Al Karim
(1 Rating) Dar es Salaam
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Jul 2024

Serrar was very professional and knowledgeable. He asked questions of my interests to tailor the tour and his commentary. He may be the only tour guide at Guru Walk that includes Habous in his tour which is worth it! I recommend Serrar’s tour!

Risposta di SERRAR :
Dear Al karim, Thank you very much for your review on the tour! I really appreciate your positive thoughts. Honestly, I enjoyed your company, and I'm very happy that you enjoyed the tour. I hope to see you soon for another memorable experience! Best regards,
(1 Rating) Mosca
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Jul 2024

We got our tour in Casablanca. The tour was great! Serrat is an amazing guide, he knows a lot about the country, the city, the architecture and so on. Serrar also is very attentive, and he kindly answered all our stupid and not stupid questions 😅. We had such a great time walking through different areas of the city. Just in case: we booked the tour only 2,5hours before the start, so when we came at the start point there was no any group or guide. But our guide contacted us a bit later. So just keep in mind that it’s possible a tour starts a bit later than it’s indicated on the website, and don’t go away :)

Risposta di SERRAR :
I am really grateful and appreciate you taking the time to share your review. So glad that you enjoyed the Casablanca tour with me. I hope to see you again soon!

Destinazioni a cui SERRAR offre tour


  • 3217
(11 ratings)
