Siamo una squadra amichevole, focalizzata sulla nostra storia, cultura e molte altre fantastiche caratteristiche che rendono la nostra città unica e bella. Free walking tour Santa Ana. Siamo felici e orgogliosi di offrire questa escursione in quanto è l'unico tour completo a Santa Ana! e naturalmente! per camminatori come te!! Unisciti a noi e vivi la città mentre impari la sua storia attraverso interessanti murales, chiese coloniali, vulcani, cibo tradizionale e perché no? tanti suggerimenti che ti faranno sentire più a tuo agio durante il tuo soggiorno e pronto a scoprire Santa Ana da solo.
If you’re not doing hectors tour in Santa Ana I don’t even know why you’re there. This guy is the shit - Amazing tour very knowledgeable but best yet, he made it feel like it was just a bunch of friends hanging out trying new things. So happy I did this tour - thank you hector <3 <3 <3
Héctor was an awesome & fun tour guide! If you are looking four a tour that isn‘t boring and telling you stories out of the history book, book with him! We also got to try lots of local food and were able to ask any questions we had! Héctor also shares a lot about his personal life, which was interesting as well! Just trust me & book it! If you don‘t like it you can leave.
Amazing! It was like going for a walk around Santa Ana with a mate. Hector is super knowledgeable, able to answer any questions. Best walking tour I’ve been on!
My friend and I had heard amazing things about Hectors tour during our travels! We did the 9am tour and our expectations were blown out of the park. Hector did an incredible job teaching us about El Salvador and taking us through the market to try things we never would have tried if it weren’t for Hector tour! Would recommend!