Nacido y criado en la hermosa e histórica ciudad de Coimbra. Tengo una licenciatura en antropología y una maestría en gestión y programación del patrimonio cultural de la Universidad de Coimbra). Me gusta mi ciudad, me gusta la historia, me gusta conocer gente nueva... Te presentaré Coimbra con rutas temáticas originales.
João gave a great and comprehensive tour of Coimbra. We had a great time walking through the city and also got helpful recommendations on places to eat and check out after. Given his background/education, he takes a more academic approach and the historical context of sites.
It was low tourist season and we were the only ones on the tour, which was very interesting. Joao was very knowledgable and took the time to answer all our questions patiently. He even changed the route slightly so that we can end the tour near our hotel. Highly recommend this tour!
Fantastic guide. João was really informative and knowledgeable. The information was delivered in a pleasant way and he was more than happy to answer our questions and show us places he felt we would be interested in. Excellent. Remember to wear sturdy footwear as the cobbled streets can be a challenge.
It's a great your very informative