Ich bin seit über 20 Jahren Lehrerin und habe mich nun entschieden, Singapur zu meinem Klassenzimmer zu machen! Singapur hat mehr zu bieten als nur hübsche Gebäude und leckeres Essen. Nehmen Sie an meinen Touren teil, um das ECHTE Singapur kennenzulernen.
Joseph is an outstanding tour guide. He has Phd level knowledge and decades of real life experience in Singapore. And he's super energetic, fun loving, and engaging. If I could, I'd give him six stars.
Paul is an amazing guy! Very empathetic, knowledgable, chatismaric, fun, happy, positive. A wonderful person to be around. I cannot reccommend the tour enough. Everything was perfect! I fell in love with Signapore :) I will definitely come back to Signapour and I would do another tour with Paul ! Thank you.
We really lover the tour with Joseph. He put so much time in the preparation of the tour! Because the former days were rainy, he actually thought of an alternative program and visited the tour locations in the days before so he could scout dry locations to give his information. Luckily this day, it was almost completely dry. We learned so much about Singapore and could really place our experiences in the past few days in perspective thanks to the knowledge of Joseph. Would definitely recommend!