Hallo, ich bin gebürtiger Oxforder, hier geboren, aufgewachsen und zur Schule gegangen. Ich bin pensionierter Lehrer und liebe es, Menschen meine Heimatstadt zu zeigen. Neben meiner Tätigkeit als Guru Guide bin ich seit über zwei Jahren offizieller Oxford-Reiseleiter und erhalte regelmäßig 5-Sterne-Bewertungen auf Trip Advisor (Oxford Official Walking Tours).
A fantastic tour of an amazing city. David was fantastic and perfectly guided us through the city's greatest attractions, telling us its history and telling us anecdotes. An excellent tour, with nice people and a fantastic guide.
David was an awesome guide, sharing interesting information and great insights of the "town" and "gown". I highly recommend this tour to anyone visiting Oxford!
Best tour I've had, I'm not a native english speaker and I understood everything perfectly.
I have been in diverse free tours. There are a lot that are amazing. But I have never been in one where I felt to close to the place and its history. David talked as a local, a person that loves where he comes from. I learned a lot from what he told us, but also I came to understand that places are spaces where human histories come together and that the past is not just a touristic site to visit but a chain of human experiences that we are still living in. Amazingly prepared guide but at the same time a local filled with passion. Thank you a lot.