Mit mehr als 10 Jahren Erfahrung als Reiseführer und Dolmetscher bin ich eine sehr kontaktfreudige und einnehmende Persönlichkeit. Meine hervorragenden Kenntnisse in 4 Sprachen helfen mir, meine Vorteile auszubauen und Ihr Reiseerlebnis in Usbekistan wirklich unvergesslich zu machen. Geboren und aufgewachsen in Taschkent, ist es meine Leidenschaft, jedem, der in diese majestätische Stadt kommt, das beste Reiseerlebnis zu bieten ❤️ Geschichte und Geschichtenerzählen sind die beiden Dinge, in denen ich besonders gut bin. Da ich aus meiner Heimatstadt komme, habe ich zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, interessante und dennoch leicht verständliche Anekdoten zu erzählen, die Ihnen die besten Erinnerungen an Ihre Zeit hier bescheren werden 🙂
Donat is an excellent guide. We got so many useful information. He had a great knowledge and we learnt so many things.We can recommend him to everybody who comes to Tashkent.
Donat is a very engaging, knowledgable guide with a good sense of humour. He really helped us get to know the real Tashkent, and brought the place alive at various points. The route we took gave us good variety (cosmonaut Monument, metro, chorsu bazaar, and the main mosque / madrasah), both old and new. I would absolutely recommend him to anyone wanting a good introduction to Tashkent
Donato was really nice, respectful and he showed me his city and provides me with some good advice. His Spanish (and English) is really good. I really recommend this one. Gracias Donato
Great tour guide thanks to Donat, who explains very well the cultural, historical, and modern aspects of this city. I highly recommend it 100%!
Donat was an amazing uzbek guide with an argentinean soul. We challenged him to do the tour in Argentinean Spanish since he had been practising our language for some years and he NAILED IT! He was an amazing guide, very knowledgeable and super friendly. We had an amazing time!! Muchas gracias amigo! Aguante la Escaloneta loco!