Free Tour Tapas and Mercados Madrid
Tour description
The tour consists of a real historical-gastronomic immersion in Spanish and Madrid culture through visits to the famous and unique Spanish markets and incredible TAPAS !
The purpose of the tour is to explain the history and culture behind typical Spanish foods and take you to the best local places to try each type of food, and not make the classic mistake of eating in touristy places. The tour will start from Plaza Mayor , and then head towards the San Miguel market, Mercado de la Cebada , Mercado San Fernando and Mercado Anton Martin . Along the way I will take you to the typical (secret :)) places that I have discovered over the past two years and in each one we will try what I think is the local specialty . Remember, I will take you to many places, so to try everything, I recommend you take it little by little! During our unforgettable food tour, we will also dive into the wonderful world of Vermouth! Get ready for a unique experience, where you can delight your palate with an extraordinary variety of types, from the spicy orange version to the refined barrel-aged version. But be careful, don't be too tempted! Ahahah. And to end in spectacular fashion, we will celebrate with the undisputed queen of Spanish desserts: her majesty, the Tarta de Queso!
At the end of this tour of approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes, you will be able to say that you have thoroughly explored the Iberian gastronomic culture . You will have learned to distinguish the differences that justify the various prices of Jamón , you will know how to recognize a good tortilla and you will discover what percebes are and much more! In addition, at the end of our tour , you will receive an automatic message with all my recommendations for the best restaurants and the most unmissable experiences to live here in Madrid, to ensure you have an unforgettable holiday!
And don't worry about the language ! Even if the slot you choose doesn't match your language preference, I'll be happy to provide a double translation without any problems. Don't let this affect you: fun and experience are guaranteed, no matter what language we meet in!
In addition to showing you the best places to try traditional Spanish and Madrilenian foods, I will give you valuable tips and secrets about the city. At the end of the tour, you will also receive an automatic message created by me with a list of the best places to try during your stay in Madrid: from the best paella, to the most renowned cocktail bars, to traditional and non-traditional restaurants, and curious activities to do. All this to guarantee you a unique and authentic experience !
The sooner you do it, the more intense and rich your holiday here in Madrid will be! :)
And do you know why they are called tapas ? Did you know that there are also many types of vermouth , even smoked and spicy? Did you know that you can buy biscuits made by cloistered nuns in a monastery ?
Book with me to find out and let's go have fun and gorge together!
PS This free tour is designed to introduce you to the history of Spanish gastronomy and the best places (in my experience) to try traditional tapas and therefore NO expense is included . Everyone is free to consume what they want without any limit or obligation at the discretion of their own tastes and hunger ;)
See you soon