**The Original** Free Walking Tour León-Nicaragua
Tour description
Free Walking Tour is the Welcome tour to all of the travelers of the World coming to Nicaragua. In León, the oldest city in the country while walking around its Historical Center!! we´ll bump into with: History, Culture, Gastronomy, friendly People, beautiful Churches, Monuments and several Murals. they are the vivid memories of a City that still remains its colonial heritage, land of crazy poets and artists. Santiago de los Caballeros de León, it was called in 1524 by Spanish settlers. And it was designated as the first capital of Nicaragua by Captain Francisco Hernández de Córdoba. León has been the brain of the Nation and the center of the most important historical facts. thus, discovering and knowing about León is knowing about Nicaragua!
* The first Capital of Nicaragua.
* Headquarters of the first University and 2 in Central America (UNAN).
* Cradle of the largest Nicaraguan Rubén Darío, prince of the letras Castellanas.
* Capital of the Sandinista Popular Revolution until the fall of the Somoza dictatorship.
* FSLN Foundation, Sandinista National Liberation Front.
* Heritage site that has 2 of the 4 cultural resources declared by UNESCO.
Many events of national and regional importance talk the history about the Colonial City of León. It's a excellent place to live experiences in; Volcanoes, Beaches, Islands, Traditions, Gastronomy, Nights of Music and Latin Dances, Learn Spanish, Rural Communities, Natural Reserves and a lot of experiences waiting for you.