Рождение Рима: от Ромула до Цезаря.
Tour description
This was done for 4 months after the end of the year, царскому и республиканскому периодам его истори, , as the name suggests.
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Let's look at the story of the story of the story я Рима, увидим руины Алтаря Геркулеса, «уста истины» в церкви Санта-Ма рия-ин-Космедин,
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It is the name of the author of the book.
This 4 km archaeological walk is dedicated to the foundation of Rome, to the royal and republican ages of Rome, to the legends and facts that have been preserved in Roman monuments.
We will start from the Circus Maximus - the largest arena of the Ancient World and of Rome,
we will climb the Belvedere of Romulus and Remus, the legendary founders of the city, from where we will explore the surroundings of the Palatine, the Capitoline Hill, the Aventine and we will learn about the history of the foundation of the Eternal City by the twin brothers,
we will go down to Velabro and learn about Greek colonization before the foundation of Rome, we will see the ruins of the Altar Maximus of Hercules Invitus, the "mouth of truth" in the church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin,
we will enjoy the unique Arch of Janus - Constantine, the Arch of the Argentari at the church of San Giorgio in Velabro and we will see Lupercale at the foot of the Palatine, the cave where, according to legend, the she-wolf nursed Romulus and Remus,
at the Forum Boarium, where in ancient times cattle were traded, we will observe the temples of Portunos and Hercules Victor,
we go to the Tiber and look at the Cloaca Maxima, the oldest Roman sewer in the world, we walk across the oldest bridges in Rome and we know the history of the Tiber Island, we talk about the Etruscans and the last king Tarquinius Superbus,
we will go to the ruins of the Triumphal Portico and the Holitorio Forum, where the ruins of three republican temples (Janus, Juno, Speranza) have been preserved under the church of San Nicola in Carcere,
we will observe the ruins of the archaeological site of San Omobono, the oldest of the republican temples (Mater Matuta and Fortuna), founded by King Servius Tullius,
we will climb the Tarpeian cliff up the ladder to the Capitoline Hill and admire the ruins of the temple of Capitoline Jupiter and Juno Moneta
and at the end we will enjoy the panorama of the Roman Forum.