Free Tour Mondariz Balneario, a walk through the luxurious thermal village
Tour description
Our visit will begin in the Plaza Fundadores next to the statue of Enrique Peinador , our great protagonist of the route to be followed.
Later, we will begin by presenting our great protagonist, explaining to you who Enrique Peinador was and why this man from Pontevedra was so interested in the waters of the place where we are , and of course, his right-hand man, his brother Ramón Peinador.
This Galician politician and doctor, today is the favorite son of Mondariz - Balneario and has also been the image of coins with which one could pay in the municipality itself. Therefore, everything that this man did for the place is very important and fundamental to know the history in which we are going to enter.
Our next stop will be next to the Fuente de la Gándara , a majestic building created by the architect from Porriñán Antonio Palacios . There it will be explained to you how the fountain was founded , the jewel of Enrique Peinador, who was obsessed with finding a spring that would produce the same waters as the Troncoso fountain, already discovered, which he later bought, leaving aside its true discoverer. .
These waters have minerals that can cure stomach problems, as if it were a meiga stew. Come discover them. Reference will also be made to the works that emerged over time and the function of the agüistas, a profession that no longer exists today,
We go to our next stop, the Gran Hotel , the emblematic hotel that one day welcomed characters like Peral , the discoverer of the Submarine.
At that time, the people who could afford to travel were the upper class and the aristocracy. Personalities who visited the majestic establishment and how they made reference to their trip in writings will also be mentioned , leaving evidence of the importance of the Mondariz spa waters.
On the other hand, it will also be mentioned how the establishment evolved until it was able to accommodate a large number of tourists. The hotel had a small spa, even a bottling plant. Little by little, the Peinador brothers built more and more establishments, which would turn Mondariz into the cradle of thermal medicine .
I will try to transfer you to the great luxury that inhabited the area with the description of the interior of the great hotel, floor by floor, and discovering little secrets hitherto unknown.
Our fourth stop will take place at the ruins of the Spa, ending with the site itself. The ruins that have remained of the old hotel devastated by the flames caused in the 70s will be explained, as with it all the charm and luxury present there went and the projects that were half built will be explained.
Now we are going to the modern part, the new great hotel , THE INTERIOR WILL NOT BE ACCESSED, and where the old facilities were located, as well as, the works that were left halfway were used to allocate them to other types of activities.
We go to our last stop , which will take place in the Troncoso Fountain , the origin of Mondariz Balneario takes place in this fountain, where a young peasant spent hours looking at that spring that emerged from the waters of the Tea River, observing how a dog full of wounds was slowly healing.
Finally, he decided to drink a little from that pond where the dog bathed, discovering that its taste was completely different from the rest of the water. He decided to take her to analyze a pharmacy located in the neighboring town, and the rest is history, if you do not want to miss what happened, hire this tour to acquire knowledge about the famous waters of Mondariz that one day were compared with the waters of Vichy himself in France.