Free tour of Gabriel García Márquez, San Diego neighborhood and Armed Conflict in the Caribbean
Tour description
We welcome you to the best walking tour of the literary and magical San Diego and Matuna neighborhoods of Cartagena by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, our Nobel Prize in Literature. We will visit Gabo's Columbarium and a small exhibition of his personal items.
A tour full of fascinating stories, sayings and myths of its walls, streets, convents and houses that transcend reality. Discover the secrets, customs and legends of the traditions inherited from the Spanish. Also, you will discover the literature that talks about migrations due to the World Wars, as well as the Armed Conflict of the Colombian Caribbean and its antecedents.
Nobel Prize in Literature, Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Times of Cholera,
Love and Other Demons,
Tales of a Shipwrecked
The General in his Labyrinth
The Colonel Has No One to Write to Him
Armed Conflict in the Colombian Caribbean
Republican Architecture
We invite you to discover some scenarios, facts and legends that served as inspiration for the books of Gabriel García Marquez on a walking tour of approximately 2 hours.