In Search of the Lost City: Florence at the End of the Nineteenth Century
Tour description
Anyone who comes to Florence thinks of walking in a city immersed in the splendor of the Middle Ages, with its ancient vestiges of towers or in that of the Renaissance city dotted with majestic buildings of the time: but this is not the case. With the Unification of Italy the city completely changed face and underwent a total metamorphosis: the Center of Florence today is only the pale memory of its glorious past. At the end of the nineteenth century the "heart" of Florence and centered on the Old Market , full of history and magic was subjected to many urban misdeeds prompted by new needs and was sacrificed to the wild building speculation of the time: with it the old Jewish Ghetto also disappeared forever. With the help of your imagination and with the support of many photographs and paintings we will retrace together some of these stages. The new Capital was ready to receive the new rulers.
1 - We will start from Piazza SMN for a short introduction and then continue to the Market
2 - S.Lorenzo Market majestic work of the time
3 - We will make a short stop in front of the facade of the Cathedral to understand the tastes dictated by the new ruling class.
4 - We will proceed towards the "new" Via Calzaiuoli to finally reach Piazza della Repubblica, the beating heart of the city before the great demolitions with its post-unification cafés.
5 - We will continue towards Piazza della Signoria where the original layout of the square fortunately remained almost intact.
6 - Finally, with a special guest invented by Collodi's creative imagination, Pinocchio, we will talk about the Facade and the interior of the Basilica. Before saying goodbye, we will pay homage to the statue of the Divine Poet that overlooks the square to remind us that the Poet would never have approved of such a metamorphosis. The story will be fueled by anecdotes, curiosities and little stories that will remain engraved in your memory for a long time.
We look forward to seeing you on this new and exciting adventure.
Important information for travellers:
- Minimum number 6
- Walkers who wish to cancel the tour confirmed by us are requested to cancel the tour at the latest 24 hours before the start of the tour.