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The best guruwalks in Seville Night Tour

Seville Night Tour
813 reviews from other walkers about the Free Walking Tours of Seville Night Tour in Seville
(813 reviews)

The city of Seville is full of traditions and legends that we hope to share with you during our night tour of the Sevillian capital.
The city offers a beautiful night full of life, energy and colour that engages you from the very first moment.
That's why we want to bring you a little closer to the history of this ancient city in the streets of the Barrio de Santa Cruz. The history of this city goes back to the Romans, Arabs, Jews and Christian ancestors who came to these lands to live and take possession of them, each one contributing a piece of their culture and beliefs. Making Seville the fascinating place it is today.
Its nightlife is unique, and as the sun goes down, the city becomes more energetic, more vibrant, more full of life and activity, that it is impossible to get bored in them.
Our Gurus know every corner of Seville very well, they know its shortcuts and best places to enjoy a night tour around the city. In these night tours through Seville we will find paths that will take us through orange groves, alleys, legends and ancient synagogues that today look perfect and intact. 
We will walk through the narrow streets of the Santa Cruz quarter, where you will learn the stories and legends of life in this ancient Jewish quarter through its main streets and squares. Plaza de Doña Elvira, Plaza de los Venerables, Plaza de los Refinadores, etc.; are some of the many examples that you can find on this route, as well as a comfortable street map of the city and the perfect combination of unique decorations in the first white line, you will also get to know all the literary myth about the image of Don Juan Tenorio, the most famous seducer of all times.
The first act of José Zorrilla's romantic drama unfolds in these spaces. You will have the opportunity to be an accomplice of Zorrilla's love as well as to interpret his face in the bronze statue that you will be able to face in Zorrilla's literary work.
The narrow streets of the old Jewish quarter also have excellent spaces, such as the Monastery of San José del Carmen and its small Museum of Santa Teresa, the Museum of the Casa Murillo (today the headquarters of the Andalusian Academy of Flamenco) which today coexists with the Church of San Bartolomé or the Church of Santa María Blanca.
The heritage of the Hospital de los Venables is created by great artists such as Murillo, or Valdés Lille. Or the pillars of an ancient Roman temple. As you can see, our route is designed to take you into a neighbourhood with its own characteristics and take you to visit this historic city full of history and legendary wealth.

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