Ciao, siamo George e Nicholas e facciamo parte del team del tour gratuito di New Athens e ti mostreremo due lati diversi della città di Atene. L'antica città storica, piena di storia e mitologia, o la moderna città di Atene, con una forte cultura alternativa e grande arte di strada e graffiti. Scegli la passeggiata che fa per te e vedi entrambi i lati della città
We had the best experience. The tour was funny, informative and costumized to the taste of the group. The information was very diverse and our guide was able to answer all our questions woth ease.
George was amazing. The tour was longer and more in depth than I was expecting... which was a total plus, in my opinion!
Stavros was an awesome guide and gave us a lot of interesting information on the most important places of the city. In the group we even could decide on which Infos and places we want to focus on. Never had this during such a tour. Also a very authentic and funny guy! Would recommend this tour to everyone at the start of their trip.