Ciao, cari camminatori! Zagabria è la mia città natale, che non lascio mai, tranne quando viaggio da qualche parte come fate voi :) Quindi, sono una vera guida locale. Nel 2009 sono diventata una guida turistica autorizzata per la città di Zagabria e la contea di Zagabria. Da allora, ho trasmesso il mio amore per Zagabria a persone provenienti da tutto il mondo, presentando la città attraverso storie e fatti interessanti, con divertimento, ma in modo professionale. Da grande amante dei viaggi, ho avuto la possibilità di visitare molti paesi in quasi tutti i continenti, ma ogni volta che torno nella mia città, me ne innamoro di nuovo.
I really enjoyed the tour with Marina. Not only she taught us a lot of things but also she was able to answer many questions. It was very informative and I really enjoyed the tour. She also gave us some good tips of what to eat and where. Thank you!
The tour was awesome! Marina made it very special. She knows a por but also she likes to share as much as possible. She didn’t have a problem going further the time established for those of us who wanted to keep going. She and her tour made my City to Zagreb so much more interesting! Thanks Marina
I actually was the only one, so she catered to my ideas. Great information, very people person. Had great time discovering the lower part of the city.
Great tour leader. She was informative, explained all, and answered questions from the group. Lots of learning about Zagreb and humour along the way. Thank you Marina for your tour!