(39 ratings)


Ho trovato la vita di guida molto soddisfacente. Mi piace spiegare e rivelare alle persone alcuni luoghi da scoprire, presentare ad altri la nostra cultura, ridere con gli altri e raccontare alcune storie interessanti della nostra zona. Zara è una città che ha subito molti danni, il che la rende oggi ancora più speciale.

1 Tour di Lidija

Ratings (39)

Wei Yan
(6 Ratings) Como
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Aug 2024

Lidija always smiled, even when she talked about how harsh was the history and economic past and present of Zadar. She shared about how the local people dealt with the situation with some sarcasm. Sad but true. She is young and a person full of life and energy. Time past so fast and the tour ended so quickly I wished we could visit more places. She gave us some useful tips of places to visit nearby.

(1 Rating)
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in famiglia - Aug 2024

Lodija did a great job. Since everyone else canceled, it was more like a private tour and we loved it. We learned so much interesting stuff, and you really appreciate Zadar more when you hear all these things from its history. Also, Lidija gave us some nice suggestions on where to eat and what else to see. Thanks Lidija 😊 🙏

(1 Rating) Edimburgo
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - Sep 2024

This was a fantastic tour through thousands of years of Zadar’s extraordinary history. Lidija was an extremely knowledgeable, thoughtful and friendly guide - she did a great job keeping a diverse group engaged. She gave us some great ideas for what else to explore and her storytelling brought the details of various monuments and sites around the old town to life.

(1 Rating) Austin
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Aug 2024

Lidija was a delight! Full of information with a wonderful spirit. She took the time to speak with each couple throughout the tour and made it very personable. Highly recommend.

(9 Ratings) Boston
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Aug 2024

Zadar is a small but interesting city with interesting Venetian-Ottoman past. I thought Lidija did a great job showing us the sites but also filling in what the historical context is. Great to hear directly from a local.

Destinazioni a cui Lidija offre tour

(39 ratings)
