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(43 opiniones)


La vida de guía me pareció muy satisfactoria. Disfruto explicando y revelando a la gente algunos lugares desconocidos, presentando a otros nuestra cultura, riendo con los demás y contando algunas historias interesantes de nuestra zona. Zadar es una ciudad que sufrió muchos daños, lo que la hace aún más especial hoy en día.

1 Tour de Lidija

Opiniones (43)

(2 Opiniones) General Roca
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Viajó en grupo - Sep 2024

(2 Opiniones) Crailsheim
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Viajó solo - Sep 2024

Lidija had a great sense of humor and historical knowledge!

(15 Opiniones) Eschlikon
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Viajó solo - Sep 2024

Lidija did a great job! A lot of history, but so interesting and with a lot of fun. I really felt the passion of her. Absolutely recommendable!

(1 Opinion) París
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Viajó en grupo - Sep 2024

We waited 15mn after the scheduled hour but couldn't see neither the guru nor any other people waiting.

Respuesta de Lidija
The tour started at 17:00 from The Five Wells Square, and I had an introductory speech on the same place until 17:20. As I texted you. The fact that you didn't see me, maybe you didn't even show up, I can't help you there. :)
Wei Yan
(6 Opiniones) Como
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Viajó en pareja - Aug 2024

Lidija always smiled, even when she talked about how harsh was the history and economic past and present of Zadar. She shared about how the local people dealt with the situation with some sarcasm. Sad but true. She is young and a person full of life and energy. Time past so fast and the tour ended so quickly I wished we could visit more places. She gave us some useful tips of places to visit nearby.

Destinos en los que Lidija ofrece tours

(43 opiniones)
