Ciao a tutti! Ho 32 anni e vivo a Granada da 5 anni. Ho una laurea in Storia presso l'Università di Valencia e lavoro come insegnante in un istituto pubblico per la maggior parte del tempo e ho studiato la storia di Granada negli ultimi 8 anni.
Gerson was great, he had a loads of knowledge and excellent way to show it, the explanations and stories were captivating and very informative.
Gerson is a really enthousiast history expert, who can tell you all about the city with great enthusiasm. Really reccomend!
Gerson is a wonderful, very knowledgable person with greaaaaaat sense of humour.
Gersten really knew his stuff. He gave us in depth info about the outsides of many buildings. His knowledge of Spanish history was extensive. Ps. He was the first guide on our 3 week trip who was comfortable to talk about Franco.