Originaria di Houston, convinta che Houston possa essere una città percorribile a piedi! Ho viaggiato in tutto il mondo e ho vissuto per diversi anni in Europa. Ora è il momento per me di mostrarvi cosa amo della mia città natale! Ho studiato letteratura e scrittura creativa all'Università del Texas e sono una scrittrice pubblicata. La mia domenica ideale a Houston è una passeggiata alla Menil Collection e una visita alla Rothko Chapel seguita da un brunch in uno dei caffè di Montrose.
Really enjoyed the tour
John is a great guide and it is definitely worth going on this walking tour of Houston and it turns out it is the only walking tour of Houston, which is awesome. My favorite parts of the tour were all of the murals that we passed by and John shared the history of them as well as the library
John was great! The route was very nice and the tour was a good length (~2.5 hours). John was very entertaining and knowledgeable, especially on street art and architecture. He was also helpful in providing useful information on topics such as transportation and food recommendations. I would recommend the tour to everyone visiting Houston :)
Great tour!
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