My name is Fernando but everyone calls me “Fercho”, I am a certified tourist guide with more than 10 years of experience, together with other guides we have decided to create a group "TuristiK" We are passionate about being guides, traveling, talking and learning about people while they discover new places and create new experiences. Come and enjoy with our group of guides... Our phrase chulla vida (hakuna matata) ☺️
Highly recommend the tour, Vivi was an interesting and informative guide, we saw and learned a lot.
Malena was very sweet and did a great job on this tour…
We really enjoyed the tour. Stefy is very knowledgeable, easygoing and fun.
Our guide Stefy was very gracious and prompt. She guided us on a wonderful city tour. She was very knowledgeable, giving us detailed historical background on the places we visited, with some humor. The tastings were excellent. Stefy, very patiently, gave us some travel tips and guided us to the subway station at the end of our tour.