(50 ratings)

Hannelore - Tour Guide in Buenos Aires

📱Follow me on Instagram for more : @checkbuenosaires

🖖🏼Hi there :) Doing fine?

I'm Hanne, a half german and half guatemalan, who has been living 10+ years here in Buenos Aires and just loves to share all the goods about this beautiful city .

My touring style is very relaxed, flexible, and always open to adapt if needed. I like walking around and entering hidden city pearls.

Don't worry if your pace is a little slower, we´ll adjust on the go.

What matters most to me is that you have a good time❣️



Your local buddy and tour guide.

📱Follow me on Instagram : @checkbuenosaires

About the guide

Tours delivered on GuruWalk: 60
Guide on GuruWalk since: 2022

3 Tours of Hannelore

Ratings (50)

(1 Rating) New York
Verified booking
Travelled in group - Jan 2024

The guru never showed up, nor contacted to cancel the tour which is very disrespectful. There were other people that booked the tour and were very disappointed as well.

Response from Hannelore
Dear Yana, thank you for your comment. Guru Walk tours have to be confirmed to actually take place. Please be informed about this when booking any other tour here with other people. I did not confirm the tour on purpose. Its sad you call this disrespectful. Its a free activity which never was confirmed. As you can read from any other review I have gotten, whenever my tours are confirmed I show up, on time, and give my best. Best regards, Hanne
(1 Rating) Ulm
Verified booking
Travelled in couple - Oct 2023

Great tour! We loved the selection of the tombs and the information. It was very professional with lots of details and pictures which really helped to understand. Overall, a great tour!

(2 Ratings) Zürich
Verified booking
Travelled in group - Nov 2023

Hannah is super knowledgeable with lots of experience, enthusiasm and she clearly enjoys what she is doing. She also took the extra mile to collect everyone in the beginning, which wasn't easy.

(4 Ratings) Oakland
Verified booking
Travelled in couple - Oct 2023

Interesting, and learned a lot

(1 Rating) San Francisco
Verified booking
Travelled in couple - Oct 2023

Hannalore was full of knowledge while making an uncomfortable walk inside a cemetery really enjoyable! She is energetic, fun with great vibes. If you're ever in Buenos Aires and Hannalore is the guide, select that tour!

Destinations where Hannelore offers tours

(50 ratings)
