Hello there! My name is John and I've lived in various places around the world, including New York City, Miami, Austin, Toronto, New Zealand, London, Portugal and now I'm here, in beautiful Valencia. I've been here for over five years now and it's because the city is obviously gorgeous but the people are wonderful, as well! But it wasn't always like this. This place has seen some incredible, and sometimes bloody, history since its founding as a settlement over 3,000 years ago. It's changed hands more than a few times! I love history and have studied the history of Valencia since I arrived. Let me show you some of my favourite parts and some of its secrets, as well as, where to go to find the best food, beaches and markets! Cheers! Salud!
John is very enthusiastic about the history of Valencia. It may seem like a lot of history in the beginning of the tour, however, it all becomes very relevant as the tour moves along. It was a very enjoyable tour.
We zijn dankzij John heel veel over de geschiedenis van Valencia te weten te komen. Hij deed dit op een manier dat je ook echt met de aandacht erbij bleef ook als je niet zo van geschiedenis houd. Verder erg leuke plaatsen gezien en dit in een klein groep van 6 personen en nog een klein meisje. Al met al waar voor ons geld 😀 Groet Meta Terpstra
History told in such an interesting way, information about the city and hidden gems - we had an excellent tour! Highly recommended! Thanks John
Great tour with John today. Learned lots about the history in a very entertaining way