My name is Raúl, I have a degree in Art History, with a master's degree in "Art, Museums and Historical Heritage Management". I have been an official tourist guide for over 6 years. I have worked as a guide in different cities such as Granada, Seville, Florence, Malaga, Merida, Cáceres, Trujillo and, for 3 years, in Palencia, León and Astorga. The fact of being able to work as a guide in these cities offers me the possibility of knowing them a little better day after day, since in this work, the training must be continued to offer a service with the highest possible quality. Committed to tourist quality, since I am one of the few guides in León who can boast having the "Tourist Quality Commitment" Seal. Come and discover Leon and Astorga with me, surely you have a great time.
I don't think the guide was called Raúl. In any case the tour was OK but I would have welcomed a bit more balance between factual information and anacdote.
Nos encantó el tour. De hecho realizamos otro al día siguiente con la misma empresa. De los mejores free tours que hemos realizado.