Soy un guía autorizado de Cracovia con conocimientos avanzados de historia y ofrezco una visión única de la historia de Cracovia, antigua capital de los reyes polacos, a través del prisma de la historia polaca y europea. Soy un historiador aficionado y un apasionado viajero y busco ayudar a los turistas a comprender la historia de Polonia en un contexto global, al mismo tiempo que los mantengo entretenidos y bien cuidados. Mi empresa Cool Dragon busca promover la experiencia de la historia y la cultura polacas con la belleza de la naturaleza y la tierra polacas. Por lo tanto, también ofrezco recorridos personalizados a través de las rutas más pintorescas de los parques nacionales más bellos de Polonia y fusiono varios tipos de atracciones para brindar a las personas la experiencia más sensacional y holística de su estadía en la región de Malopolska.
Sadly, we learned more about the guide's political opinions and world view than about Krakow. We were honestly shocked about many of the conspiratorial and antisemitic things that were said during the tour, i.e. literally portraying International jewish conspiracy and the stab-in-the-back-myth as historical facts and the reason why jews were so hated by Nazi Germany. As a history teacher, I was shocked. On every stop of the tour, hidden international agendas and conspiracy myths were used to explain historical processes, from powerful financial elites to freemasonry to jews and so on. Derogatory remarks about muslims, protestants and LGBT people seemed almost harmless in the greater picture of the tour. When challenged she was quite rude, talked over us and did not respond to the criticism at all. Disappointing, unprofessional and offensive (and we don't take offense easily)
Natalie was great! She is very knowledgable about Krakow and knew history of the town through centuries. Natalie pointed all important landmarks and significant scenery. If you get a chance take a tour with Natalie! You will not be disappointed.
Natalie conducted a wonderful tour! Her breadth of knowledge about Krakow was excellent. She was entertaining as well! She answered my questions thoroughly , as well as questions from others on the tour. I highly recommend this tour if you would like to gain a knowledgeable perspective on this beautiful city!
Great guide. She was easy to understand and provided lots of insight and information. Despite the pouring rain, she remained enthusiastic and made sure that we didn’t miss any sites.
Fantastic tour. I was enthralled by Natalie's depth of knowledge and her political science approach to the tour.