Hola! Soy Damián✨ soy artista escénico y guía turístico independiente en las ciudades de Valparaíso y Santiago 🇨🇱. Foco en cultura, arte e historia para entender mejor Chile y su sociabilidad en el contexto latinoamericano❤️
Promuevo espacios donde visitar la historia local desde una perspectiva crítica y abierta al diálogo. La idea es acercar la identidad Chilena desde una comprensión lúdica.
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🇧🇷 Olá pessoal! Sou Damian (ou Damião) sou artista cênico do Chile, e guia turístico independente nas cidades do Santiago e Valparaiso. Eu coloco foco em cultura, artes e história para compreender melhor o Chile no contexto Latinoamericano.
This tour was incredible. I've done a lot of free walking tours around the world and this one was the best I've ever done. Damian is a very engaging storyteller and I learned a lot about Chile's history, both ancient and modern. I highly highly recommend this tour.
Pasaron las horas volando! MUY entretenido e interesante paseo: Historia, perspectiva de genero, anécdotas, risas, Damián fue un excelente relator y guía. Super recomendable.
Damien with his theater background brought a different style. Not just information but delved into a form of role play that helped to bring a unique understanding. The result was interesting and kept you focused on the reception of information. We learnt a lot on the history of Santiago and thoroughly enjoyed the tour.