¡Hola! Soy Rushdi, un sudafricano de quinta generación nacido y criado en las estribaciones de Table Mountain para padres cuyos antepasados fueron esclavos traídos al Cabo desde el este durante el comercio de esclavos. Mis antepasados construyeron esta ciudad a la que llamo hogar y espero compartir mis experiencias de este pintoresco rincón del mundo. Hoy, soy un orgulloso esposo y padre, la última generación que experimentó el apartheid y la primera en ser testigo del notable cambio de Sudáfrica. Apasionado de mi cultura con un gran sentido de la aventura. Espero compartir mi Ciudad del Cabo de la forma en que solo un local sabe cómo hacerlo. Pruebe nuestra herencia, sabores, vistas y sonidos fantásticos desde la comodidad de un vehículo o pasee tranquilamente por las calles de la ciudad. Estoy aquí para ayudarlo a lograr y crear recuerdos duraderos. My Cape Town ofrece todo y más para cada tipo de viajero y, dado que todos somos únicos, puedo ayudarlo a diseñar un recorrido 100% adaptado a sus necesidades.
Extremely friendly and knowledgeable person. He gave us a wide overview of the countrie's history and in particular Capetown of course. He was really nicely engaging the audience with questions and was able to answer our many questions as well. Cool experience and a bit off the beaten track - we had fun and learned a lot on our first day in SA!
Fabulous introduction to Cape Town, its history and lots of excellent recommendations.
I absolutely enjoyed the tour with Rushdi! First of all, I was able to bring a fellow traveler who I met the night before at short notice. And even though she was in Cape Town many times already, she learned many new facts on the tour. Then personally, I loved the mix of history and cool places to be aware of. Rushdi is super knowledgeable and keen on introducing the many aspects of SA history in an engaging format. He is able to adapt his tour to the interest of his clients by really listening to what you're sharing; I found that remarkable. Definitely amongst the top 3 tours I took via guruwalk so far and a huge recommendation for your trip to Cape Town!
Rushdi talk to us like a friend, he was very welcoming, he is a very fun and kind guide. We had the best time getting to know more about Cape Town's History, and I'm glad I was able to get from himm all the details of the gems of the city, and the cultural context that South Africa gives to the rest of the world.
Rushdi loves the city and gives the best knowledge for its visitors! Get him!