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(883 opiniones)

Mary - Guía turístico en Berlín

Hola, soy Mary y espero que te diviertas mucho en uno de mis tours. Crecí en Varsovia, donde mis raíces judías y polacas y la experiencia de mi familia me llevaron a interesarme profundamente por la historia europea. En mi trabajo combino mi interés por las ciencias sociales con mi experiencia como periodista y organizadora de base para ofrecer explicaciones comprensibles de los procesos y fenómenos más complejos que dieron forma a Alemania y Europa tal como son hoy. Llevo viviendo en Berlín cuatro años, que han sido intensos y muy educativos. He adquirido experiencia como guía turística trabajando para el líder del mercado comercial. Ahora ofrezco mis tours independientes. Me gustan especialmente aquellos visitantes que quieran reflexionar un poco más e ir más allá de la típica mirada turística. Pon a prueba tu pensamiento, profundiza en tu conocimiento histórico, siente las grandes vibraciones del corazón de Europa... ¡Ven conmigo!

Sobre el guía

Tours dados en GuruWalk: 462
Guía turístico en GuruWalk desde: 2023
Idiomas: Inglés

2 Tours de Mary

Opiniones (883)

Sam Spring
(3 Opiniones) Nueva York
Guiado por Mary
Viajó solo - Mar 2025

This tour was by far the highlight of our visit to Berlin. For a city with so much history, Mary dedicated her time to ensure we all had a wonderful time learning and experiencing the city. Mary made a fairly large tour personal and engaging. She was a pleasure to learn from and she even shared her own history and experiences with the group that made us all feel a lot closer to each other by the end of the day. Highly recommend this tour.

(2 Opiniones) Viena
Guiado por Mary
Viajó solo - Feb 2025

Mary's tour is truly amazing! I feel like every single person in this world should experience it. I admire Mary's knowledge and the passion she has while sharing it. She should teach future generations at a university! I love how she explains present through past. Thank you very much!

(1 Opinion) Fráncfort
Guiado por Mary
Viajó solo - Mar 2025

It was so informative, she is very passionate about what she does , that makes the tour more interesting for everyone. We learnt so much about Berlin in and out.

(1 Opinion) Estocolmo
Guiado por Mary
Viajó en grupo - Mar 2025

Dear Mary, It was a very unique tour, packed with stories and facts that make you understand and appreciate the complexity of German history. Mary’s personal stories made it even more rich and immersive as she showed photos and pictures of the time and posed deep reflective questions “what would you have done if we had lived in this time?”. It was emotional and really touched me and resonated, especially on the topic of identity. It feels like this is your life mission, your calling to help us ask such important questions about our history, our identity and how we as individuals should think about our actions and responsibilities to change the course of history in this polarized chaotic world we live in today and just maybe, we have the chance to save humanity. Thank you Mary, your questions and reflections were a true inspiration which I hope to share and pass on to the next generation! Please keep doing this important work. It is making a difference!

(1 Opinion)
Guiado por Mary
Viajó en pareja - Feb 2025

Mary’s tour was my favorite part of my visit to Berlin. This was my first walking tour and I was amazed by the depth of the information and the personal connection the guide offered to the past. If you’re a fan of history, take this tour. It is longer than some but you won’t notice. Prepare to step back in time and to learn something new.

Destinos en los que Mary ofrece tours

(883 opiniones)
