¡Hola! Estás leyendo estas líneas porque deseas visitar y explorar Viena pronto :) ¡¡¡ME ENCANTA TU FORMA DE PENSAR!!! Mi familia y amigos me llaman Mario. He hecho muchos trabajos en mi vida hasta que descubrí el perfecto para mí: el amor de explorar la cultura, las leyendas y las historias del pasado con personas de todo el mundo mientras deambulaba por las encantadoras calles, los edificios históricos y museos de talla mundial de la ciudad a la que tanto debo. Tanto si te quedas una semana como si solo un día, motivos sobran para enamorarte de esta localidad. ¿No me crees? ¡Sé mi invitado, haz un recorrido y mójate los pies! ¡Nos vemos pronto! tu mario
Genuinely one of the best walking tours ive done. Superb guide, very knowledgable, and very friendly
Mario contacted us this morning to confirm tour start time and location He also told us what the weather was reported to be which helped with preparation Mario held our interest the time flew by Mario was very happy to answer any questions if if they were not directly connected to his tour He was very professional polite and we have no issues in recommending this tour
Mario is very professional and he really took the time to respond to questions and curiosities about Vienna.
Mario is a very knowledgeable person with experience, speaks perfect English and gave us a great insightful tour!