Ich bin Nico und komme aus Buenos Aires, Argentinien. Ich bin Anwalt und auf internationales Recht spezialisiert. Derzeit studiere ich einen Master in internationalen Studien. In meiner Freizeit übe ich gerne Kampfsport und lerne neue Sprachen, denn das bedeutet, dass ich Kulturen kennenlerne und neue Orte entdecke. :)
Nicholas gave us a great tour. I was surprised when he said it would just be my wife and I on the tour. We’ve had several tours cancelled because not enough had signed up. Nick was articulate, informative and entertaining. We highly recommend his tour.
Great guide if you want to get to know the history of the city!
Nico was great! He knows a lot about the city and we really enjoyed his tour.
The guide never showed up. He allegedly contacted me on WhatsApp 2 weeks prior and not the GuruWalk portal. I never got any messages. We were unable to book another tour and missed out on the entire day. Very unprofessional and irresponsible.
Nicolas was so knowledgable and entertaining. Fabulous tour and guide.