(46 ratings)

Han - Stadtführer in Hanoi

Ich werde oft Han genannt. In Hanoi habe ich die Hälfte meines Lebens verbracht. Bevor ich als Reiseführer gearbeitet habe, war ich Privatlehrer für Englisch, daher ist mein Englisch eher akademisch.

Über den Guide

Auf GuruWalk durchgeführte Touren: 85
Stadtführer bei GuruWalk seit: 2023
Sprachen: Englisch

1 Tour von Han

Ratings (46)

(3 Ratings) Würzburg
Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Feb 2025

Han was a lovly guide. I was the only one on the tour but he didn't mind to do the tour just with me. We had a good chat at train street and he showed me around and took nice pictures (good photographer:-)) I enjoyed every minute and can truly recommend the tour.

Antwort von Han:
It is so great to meet Lisa. Thanks you so much to you , a very lovely friend of mine . lisa was a very gentle person to be with. The time spent with Lisa is very memorable to me. Best wishes to Lisa. 💕💕
(4 Ratings) Paris
Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Feb 2025

הגעתי לסיור לבד, ויצא שהייתי בקבוצה רק עם עוד שני ישראלים. האן הייתה מקסימה וחייכנית, פשוט המידע שהיא מעבירה והמקומות לא היו מספיק מעניינים. הגענו לשם בגלל שזה הסיור היחיד שהיה בשעה 11:45 וזה כן לוקח אתכם למקומות שלא הייתם מגיעים אליהם אחרת. אם שואלים שאלות יש לה אל הידע להעשיר, אבל הסיור איטי ולצערי לא מומלץ.

Antwort von Han:
TO OTHER GURUS , BE CAREFUL OF THIS CHEAPSKATE BACKPACKER. ( 3$ + 2 STAR REVIEW⭐ - could be lower after my reply ) What happened on February 28th The questions you asked were private and inappropriate . For example + overall income , + how many tours do i have a day ,was that my second tour ? + Was i born here ? + how many siblings do i have ? => You wanted to know how much should you pay me at the end of the tour ? What you should consider , is to base on the quality and your satisfaction. At the end , + you paid me 6 $ ( usd ) even i did -pay the coffee (3$) at the Train Street to give you a seat there . +overall you paid 3$ . You came to another country ,on a holiday but you behaved just like an ungrateful beggar i know that you are a backpacker , ( low budget ) but you should not be a cheapskate . There are a lot of backpackers with good manners and follow the rule of the application ( Guruwalk) Don' t tarnish the image of good ones. => if you prefer an excellent tour with low budget , find some donations . Do you know why the tour on February 28th was slow ? Because you asked me those silly , self-serving questions and stopped me several times that why it was slow . If you keep on behaving like this , you will stuck into trouble somewhere. Money isn't as important as life . If you could pay 1000$ for a flight to get here , pay 10$ for a tour is a piece of cake. Farewell to you - Be nice .
(1 Rating)
Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Feb 2025

Richtig toller Guide. Er hatte Zettel für wann der Zug vorbeikommt und auch was man in anderen Viertel besichtigen kann. Er hat sehr viel gewusst. Die Tour war auch an Orten wo man sonst nicht hingehen würde. Absolut empfehlenswert!

(1 Rating)
Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Feb 2025

(6 Ratings) Nes Ziona
Geprüfte Reservierung
Als Paar gereist - Feb 2025

Han took us to the different than the “must see”, to the unique places that you couldn't notice without a local guide aesthetic, historic and worth visiting for sure!

Reiseziele, zu denen Han Touren anbietet

(46 ratings)

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