Als zertifizierter Reiseleiter und wissenschaftlicher Forscher verfüge ich über Erfahrung in der Leitung von Touren zum Bosporus und zu historischen Stätten in Istanbul, darunter berühmte Wahrzeichen wie die Hagia Sophia, die Blaue Moschee und der Sultanahmet-Platz. Buchen Sie eine Tour mit mir für ein unvergessliches Erlebnis.
The tour was very interesting and the guide was super knowledgeable! It was sometimes difficult to understand the information because we all come from different countries so we all have different accents. It was a very good introduction to the city and I’m glad we took it!
Bellissimo tour, consigliato. Dr. Sib molto simpatico e competente. Ottimi i suggerimenti che ci ha dato su altri luoghi da visitare. Un'ottima esterienza, grazie!
Sib was incredibly knowledgeable and gave the group a great insight into Istanbul. I would highly recommend going on his tour. He was very helpful and I greatly enjoyed my time. He made me wish to return to Istanbul when I have more time to spend there!
Eine sehr sehr informative Tour - wir haben viel Wissenswertes erfahren.