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2 free tours in Zamora

The best guruwalks in Zamora

400 opinions from other walkers about Zamora tours
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About Zamora

The northwest of Spain has some places of great interest, with an important history and with a more than recommended cultural offer. Paths of great history in Castilla y León such as the Ruta de la Plata has facilitated that small towns such as Zamora over time become tourist destinations of great interest, perfect to discover its rich heritage really varied, with Romanesque or mainly Visigothic footprints, as well as to enjoy its overwhelming cuisine such as the famous Zamorana rice, skewers, its Sanantonada, the stew or its comforting garlic soups.

The Duero River has forged part of the character of the Castilian city and the spirit of its people, especially when it comes to seeking tranquility and enjoying a pleasant natural setting in the center of the town; a perfect corner to take pleasant walks and soak up the beauty of this area of ​​the country, which despite not being a big city, has one of the most attractive tourist offers in the country, especially for those who enjoy destinations with great charm with a varied presence of monuments and buildings.

Despite not being an excessively large city, if it has a lot of places of great interest, perfect to be visited through a free walking tour in Zamora, one of the most recommended ways to take advantage of time and tour the most interesting places What to see in the city. One of these points is undoubtedly its beautiful Cathedral, which has been part of the National Monuments since the end of the 19th century, the Palace of the Momos, as well as the Castle of Fernando I. A walk along the steep Balborraz Street, as well as Central Plaza Plaza and its famous Merlú statue, as well as the pedestrian street of Santa Clara, are other recommended activities, especially for those who wish to know some of its beautiful churches such as Santiago del Burgo. You cannot leave the city without knowing the wall and some of its most emblematic points such as the Doña Urraca Palace and Door.

Tourists who want to know this Castilian town of great personality have the possibility of opting for the free tour in Zamora as an alternative to the traditional excursions that exist, which on many occasions they do not know how to concentrate or take advantage of the visit to the most important and relevant points of This beautiful villa.

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