Video tour

Video Tour de Venecia

+10 videos
Languages: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese (Mandarin)
Guru: GuruMap
Quality Verified Registered on June 13, 2024

GuruMap is a new product from GuruWalk, where you can watch a video tour while visiting the city. At your own pace and with the best guides. Try it now for free

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  • No minimum number of attendees
    No minimum number of attendees is required for the tour
  • Try it for free
    View the tour for up to 5 minutes of video, and if you like it, it's only 5 euros to watch the full version.
  • Accepts electronic payment
    This tour allows payment by electronic means or credit card

Tour description

GuruMap es una plataforma de video tours que están pensados para que los uses mientras visitas la ciudad. 

A tu ritmo, a cualquier hora y con los mejores guías

Pruébalo gratis, podrás disfrutar de 5 minutos de contenido sin pagar. Después, si te gusta, podrás desbloquear todos los vídeos por solo 5 euros!

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