Zagrebation – old Zagreb free walking tour
Tour description
Zagrebation – old Zagreb free walking tour
Our meeting point is at King Tomislav's square (Trg Kralja Tomislava) right next to the statue dedicated to the first Croatian king.
From there we'll carry on through the park area also known as the Green horseshoe all the way to the main square (Trg Bana Josipa Jelačića) which is the place to be if you wanna celebrate another great success of Croatian athletes or maybe your last day of high school education by jumping in the Manduševac fountain.
After chatting about the main square we'll say goodbye to the Lower town for a while and climb to the Upper town where Zagreb's birthplace area will be waiting for us.
Over there we'll get to know better the two medieval towns Kaptol and Gradec out of whom Zagreb was originally conceived. This zone is the never-ending source of urban legends, religious and political discussions, love and war stories, and of course is the place of nice pubs, restauranats, museums and famous city landmarks like the Cathedral, Stone Gate, St.Marc's church, Radićeva and Tkalčićeva streets and so on.
At the end, we'll come back to the Lower town and say good by to each other at the main square.
Hope to see you soon! :)
Hrvoje, your Zagreb guru guide