Stories of San Telmo. Struggles, loves, paradoxes and mysteries well told. Tragedy and comedy, from Pedro de Mendoza to Mafalda.
San Telmo in the founding, the colony, the English invasions, independence, the Holy Federation, epidemics, immigration, tango, bars, Peronism, the dictatorship, the rise of tourism.
- Lezama Park, the origin.
- Defensa Street, when the English attacked.
- CCD Club Atlético, memory site.
- Plaza Dorrego, the heart of the neighborhood.
- Church "of San Telmo" (external view), which was not Telmo, nor a saint nor does it have a church.
- Cárcel del Buen Pastor (external view) and Martina Céspedes: the disobedient women.
- Antigua Tasca de Cuchilleros (external view), the love of Margarita and Juan Cruz.
- Giuffra Passage and the day Mariano caught a fortune.
- Faculty of Engineering (external view) or the Evita Foundation.
- Casa Mínima and Zanjón de Granados (external view), the myth of the freed slave and great archaeological work.
- Farewell with Mafalda
I assure you that you will fall in love with this neighborhood.