Free tour

Epicka Wędrówka od zakątka astronomów do mostu Karola ~ Strahov - Hradczany - Zamek -Mala Strana- Kampa 👀 ~ ❤️ 🗼

Duration: 3h
Registered on June 28, 2023

Hello Dear Walking Companions! My name is Michał, and my walking nickname is "Mišu". I will be happy to guide you and accompany on beautiful walks in Prague. I`m an independent guide, performance artist graduated at art academy in Prague, I love the city and walking. it will be my pleasure to share my passion for exploring Prague. Feel very much invited to join walking adventure.

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  • Free booking and cancellation
    Free payment tour, no set price, booking and cancellation are free

Tour description

Witajcie Drodzy Wędrowcy

Witamy na walking~ship z Mišu.

Zapraszam na dłuższy spacer z nagradzającymi widokami, odwiedzając ukryte uliczki, aby zanurzyć się w atmosferze miasta.

Zapraszam na spacer po zamkowej stronie miasta, zaczarowanej i pięknej.

🌈 od ukrytego klejnotu astronomów, Nowego Świata, eksplorując obszar zamkowy (Hradczany, Zamek, Ogród) w dół do Małej Strany, wyspy Kampa, Mostu Karola...

Wycieczka piesza trwa około 3 godzin.
Ma około 6 km długości...i obejmuje większość zamkowej strony miasta!!!

Miejsca i widoki są warte spaceru...
Więc nie martw się, to łatwy spacer, większość drogi jest płaska, z górki 🙌 całkowicie wykonalna!

 Miejsce spotkania:

przystanek tramwajowy 🚏

Pohořelec - Tramwaje: 22,23.


Godzina: 9 rano
Aby uniknąć tłumów przy zamku, spacer rozpoczyna się rano i kończy w porze lunchu w centrum miasta

Miejsca, które zamierzasz odwiedzić:

✨Most Karola
✨ Wyspa Kampa
✨ Raczkujące niemowlęta
✨Ściana Johna Lennona
✨ Dzieciątko Jezus
✨Punkt widokowy Petrin
✨Klasztor Strachow
✨ Kościół Loreta
✨ Hradczany - Nowy Świat
✨Ogrody Królewskie
✨ Zamek Praski
✨Pomnik Masaryka

Czego się spodziewać?

 ✨odwiedź miejsca, których nigdy nie znajdziesz sam, w klimatycznej dzielnicy Hradczany, gdzie poczujesz się jak na spacerze w średniowiecznej Pradze.

📸odkryj najlepszy punkt widokowy z niesamowitym widokiem na Pragę, gdzie możesz zrobić niesamowite zdjęcie i poświęcić chwilę na kontemplację  🌅 🌄

🏰Wprowadzenie do historii Pragi i Republiki Czeskiej 

👋 Z przyjemnością zaoferuję Ci moje towarzystwo i wskazówki dotyczące spaceru statkiem po Pradze.

❤️Po tym spacerze możesz zakochać się w Pradze, pozwól, że zaproszę Cię na EPICKI SPACER

Jeśli masz więcej pytań (dotyczących miejsca spotkania), nie wahaj się skontaktować ze mną przez WhatsApp:
Michał „Misiu”✨✨✨


Welcome Dear Walkers

Welcome to walking~ship with Mišu.
Let me invite you for a longer walk
with rewarding views, visiting hidden streets to immerse yourself in the city's atmosphere. 

let me invite you for the walk by the castle's side of the city, entachted and beautiful.

🌈 from astronomers` hidden gem Novy Svet, exploring Castle area (Hradczany, Castle, Garden) down to Mala Strana, Kampa Island, Charles Bridge ...

The walking tour takes about 3 hours.
it`s about 6 km long ...and it's covering the most of castle's side of the city!!!

The places and views are very worthy of walking ...
So, don't worry,  it's easy walk, mostly of the way is flat, downhill 🙌 totally duable! 

Meeting point:
 tram stop 🚏 
Pohořelec - Trams: 22,23.


Time : 9am
To avoid crowds at the castle the walk starts in the morning and finishes at lunch time in the city centre

Places you are gonna to visit:
✨Charles Bridge
✨ Kampa Island
✨ Crawling Babies
✨John Lennon Wall
✨Infant Jesus
✨Petrin Lookout Point
✨Strahov Monastery
✨ Loreta Church
✨ Hradczany - Novy Svet
✨Royal Gardens
✨ Prague Castle
✨Masaryk Monument

What to expect?

✨visit places you would never find on your own, in the atmospheric Hradczany district where you will feel like walking in medieval Prague.

📸discover the best lookout point with an amazing view of Prague, where you can take an amazing photo and have a minute of contemplation  🌅 🌄

🏰Introduction to the history of Prague and Czech Republic 

👋 It will be my pleasure to offer you my company and guidance on walking-ship by Prague.

❤️After this walk you might fell in love with Prague, let me invite you for EPIC WALK

If you have any more questions ( regarding meeting location) don't hesitate to contact me via WhatsApp:

Michał "Misiu"✨✨✨

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What will we visit on this tour?

  • Meeting point:
    Pohořelec, 118 00 Praha 1, Czechia
    Pohořelec, 118 00 Praha 1, Czechia
    View on map

    You can get here by trams 22 and 23 from the city centre. In front of the sculpture of two astronomers I will be waiting for you with white and red stick 🗼

  • 1
    Outside visit

    You can get here by trams 22 and 23 from the city centre. I will be waiting for you with white and red stick at the tram stop, nearby the Astronomers' sculpture ( take a look on a photo). Tycho Brahe and John Kepler the ones that used to search philosophical stone 💎

  • 2
    Outside visit
    Strahov Monastery

    The Old Monastery by Petrin Hill was founded in 1143 and it's one of the oldest monasteries in Czech Republic.

  • 3
    Outside visit
    Strahov Garden Viewpoint

    Stunning view of Praha, that once has been forecasted by the Slavic princess. Have you heard about legend of Libuše ? The Epic view at the entrance of the walk 🌈📷

  • 4
    Outside visit

    A sanctuary of spirituality nestled in the heart of Prague. The bells of Loreto holds sad but beautiful legends.

  • 5
    Outside visit
    Nový Svět

    it`s time to explore the hidden gems of Hradczany Hill, which has much more to offer than just the Castle. Let`s explore the streets that make you feel as if you are walking in old age.

  • 6
    Outside visit
    Prague Castle

    You will be guided through the history of Prague and the Czech Republic, Castle is the place of crossroads of the history. The history will be shown by the images blurring with the scenery and described by details of the Castle's architecture- so you can easily get the point! We will visit castle's courtyards, walk around st. Vitus Cathedral and South Garden,.

  • 7
    Outside visit
    St. Vitus Cathedral

    We will explore the courtyards of Prague Castle, and take a look at Saint Vitus Cathedral. It is a Free Walking Tour so we will visit all places free of charge in Prague Castle - the highlights of the Castle- if you are interested in exploring the museum of the Castle, I will show you places that you can explore more on our own after the tour.

  • 8
    Outside visit
    South Gardens of Prague Castle

    Discover beauty of the Castle.

  • 9
    Outside visit
    památník Tomáše Garrigua Masaryka

    Discover the impressive Masaryk Monument, honoring Czechoslovakia's founding father, Tomas Garrigue Masaryk. Standing tall against Prague's skyline, this monument is a symbol of his enduring legacy and contributions to the nation's history.

  • 10
    Outside visit

    Which of sign of the house of Mala Strana is your favourite? In Malá Strana, Prague, house signs, or "domovní znamení," were used before house numbers to identify buildings. These signs, often depicting animals, objects, or mythological figures, were practical and decorative.

  • 11
    Free admission
    Infant Jesus of Prague

    Prepare to be enchanted by the tiny wonder of Prague: the Infant Jesus! You might wonder why are so many churches in the city of mostly atheistic society?

  • 12
    Outside visit
    kampa island

    Welcome to the enchanting oasis of Kampa Island, nestled amidst the flowing waters of the Vltava River. With its picturesque cobblestone streets, verdant parks, and charming cafes, Kampa Island invites you to escape the bustle of city life and immerse yourself in a tranquil haven where history, art, and nature converge in perfect harmony. Can you imagine that people used ice skating on the river by Charles Bridge?

  • 13
    Outside visit
    John Lennon Wall

    Enter Prague's vibrant homage to peace and freedom: the John Lennon Wall. A kaleidoscope of color and inspiration, where art meets activism in a celebration of love and unity.

  • 14
    Outside visit
    Charles Bridge

    At the end of the epic walk we will cross by the greates Charles Bridge, sandstone bridge from XIV century.

  • 15
    Outside visit
    Charles IV statue

    King Charles IV 👑 King Charles IV of Bohemia was like the medieval version of a multitasking overachiever. He juggled being King of Bohemia, Holy Roman Emperor, and founder of Charles University, all while designing the famous Charles Bridge in Prague. Imagine a king who could have his own medieval LinkedIn profile, full of endorsements for empire-building, education, and architectural flair! From this location you can easily come back to the city centre.

How much does this tour cost?

Free tours do not have a set price, instead, each person gives the guru at the end of the tour the amount that he or she considers appropriate (these usually range from €10 to $50 depending on satisfaction with the tour).

Tour opinions

No reviews yet

This guruwalk does not have any reviews yet.

Who is this tour for?

Non suitable for people with reduced mobility.
Does not accept large group reservations.
Not suitable for pets.

What should you know?

Minimum of attendees
A minimum of 3 people is required for the tour.
Additional costs:
The tour requires the payment of entrance fees or additional expenses.
Free cancellation
If you will not be able to attend the tour, please cancel your booking, otherwise the guide will be waiting for you.
Payment methods
Only cash payment is accepted.
When do you want to go?
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