Flavors of the city of Barcelona (Barcelona)
Tour description
The typical food of Barcelona, between the sea and the mountains
Exploring the typical food of Barcelona is a guarantee to be able to enjoy delicious and very diverse table flavors. A cuisine that sinks its roots, mainly in the Mediterranean . That is why seafood stews are popular, including the various ways of preparing rice , the delicious suquet de peix or the esqueixada de bacallà .
But preparations from inland also have their space, such as escudella i carn d'olla . Added to this are the butifarras with mongetes , the cocas , the cannelloni and, of course, the calçots, with their delicious romesco sauce .
What will we eat on this tour?
-Croquettes in the Barcelona market in the center.
- Pà amb tòmaquet and a potato omelette (In a classic bar in Barcelona)
- A selection of beers and wines (ceps and jabugo croquettes)
The price of what they will spend per person on the tapas tour will be €15 per person, apart from paying the guide.
Thank you.
The tour will end in the city center.