City of London Tour: From Sugar & Slaves to Tea & Opium, The Hidden Dark Heart of London & the British Empire (Not Suitable for Younger Children)
Tour description
City of London Tour: From Sugar and Slaves to Tea and Opium.
Welcome, I'm Justin. But some friendly advice! If you just want to take pretty pictures to put on social media (and don't really like walking much), I am the wrong tour guide for you! My tours attract people who like ideas, history and books. If that is not what interests you, book another tour :)
I have 6 walking tours on GuruWalk: 1) The City), 2) Soho, 3) Covent Garden, 4) the South Bank, 5) Mayfair & St James & 6) ArtLand, which together have over 2,000 reviews averaging 5 stars (the highest on GuruWalk in London).
City of London is my flagship tour.
This tour takes you through the "City of London", which is not the same thing as London!
The "City", as it's known to locals, is many things. Nowadays, we know the "City" as the central business district, with its many iconic skyscrapers, towering over ancient churches (providing the chance to take some stunning photos). It's also, however, the "old town", built within the footprint of the Roman city of Londinium.
The "City" also has its own police force, ancient laws and unique government and once financed the largest Empire the world has ever seen, spanning a quarter of the globe.
From being a European backwater in the 1500s, London became the largest city in the world in the 1800s, the centre of immense power and wealth.
I'll tell the story of London's rise by walking with you along the English capital's oldest streets, many of which date back 2000 years.
The triumph of London is also often a tale of "dirty money", from the Bishop of Winchester's brothels; sugar and the slave trade; and the East India Company's rape of a subcontinent and hooking of China on opium. Come with me to learn all about London's secrets
Highlights of the tour include:
- The Monument: Centre of the Great Fire of London.
- The Gilt of Cain: The City of London's first open recognition of the contribution of slavery to their wealth.
- The Modern City: the Gherkin, Cheese Grater, Scalpel and Walkie Talkie. Where the City stands in the world today.
- The Golden Triangle:The tiny alleys that housed the coffee shops of the 17th & 18th centuries frequented by stock market speculators and fraudsters but which also gave birth to modern capitalism.
- The Bank of England and the Royal Exchange: Financiers of sugar and the slave trade.
- Leadenhall Market: Stunning Victorian marketplace used as a set in a Harry Potter movie.
The tour will end a short walk from the Monument Tube Station where the tour started. I do have a card reader so can can take credit/debit cards for tips.