Free tour

Hidden Masterpieces of Rome!

Duration: 1h and 30min
Languages: English, Spanish
Quality Verified Registered on December 19, 2022

I am Eugene, local guide with a lifelong love affair with this city Roma. For the past 17 years, I've had the privilege of guiding curious souls through the enchanting streets and hidden wonders of Rome. My approach to giving tours has always been far from conventional, for I believe that the heart of this city beats in its stories, its art, and its history. My passion for art, history, and archaeology burns brightly within me. I see Rome not as a mere collection of monuments, but as a living canvas of humanity's past. I've spent countless hours studying the intricacies of Roman art, delving deep into the annals of history, and excavating the layers of this ancient city to unearth its secrets. What truly sets me apart is my ability to spin a tale. I don't simply rattle off facts and dates; I weave narratives that transport my guests back in time. I want them to feel the drama of gladiator battles in the Colosseum, the whispers of intrigue in the Roman Forum, and the grandeur of the Vatican through the ages. I want them to walk in the footsteps of emperors, artists, and visionaries. My tours are not scripted; they're living stories that evolve with each group I guide. I've love my craft and keep my audience engaged, making every twist and turn of Rome's history come alive before their eyes. My animated storytelling style is more than just words; it's a performance that leaves my guests enthralled.In this city of eternal wonders, I strive to unveil its hidden treasures. I take my guests off the beaten path, down narrow alleyways and into forgotten corners where time seems to stand still. It's in these moments that Rome's true spirit reveals itself, and it's my privilege to share these discoveries with those who choose to follow me. For 17 years, I've been on a journey of discovery and storytelling in the city I hold dear. Rome is not just my home; it's my muse, my canvas, and my greatest love. And a long as there are curious souls eager to explore its depths, I will continue to be your unconventional tour guide.

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  • Free booking and cancellation
    Free payment tour, no set price, booking and cancellation are free

Tour description

Join our captivating art tour of three magnificent churches in Rome, and two key archeological sites! 

First, explore the an archeological site were we learn the art of the Romans.

Then the Gothic beauty of Santa Maria sopra Minerva, where you'll discover the secrets of fresco painting.

Next, step into the Baroque masterpiece of San Luigi in Francesi and admire Caravaggio's iconic paintings, unraveling the world of artistic palette and ligthing. 

Finally, we'll take you to San Ignacio in Loyola to understand the use of perspective.

Through the tour we learn the distinctions between Gothic, Renaissance, and Realist art. 
Best of all, this enlightening journey is absolutely free! 
Reserve your spot now to embark on a visual and educational adventure like no other.


Largo de Torre Argentina (Meeting point).
•Basilica Santa Maria sopra Minerva. 

•Pantheon (no inside explanations). 

•San Luigui dei Francesi. 

•Basilica di Sant’Agostino. 

•Sant Ingnazio in Loyola. 


Tour specs: 

The whole tour length is of 1.5 hours.

This is a 100% walking tour no entrance fee is required.  
 Shoulder and knees need to be covered as we enter consecrated churches.   

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What will we visit on this tour?

  • Meeting point:
    Largo di Torre Argentina, 1, 00186 Ro...
    Largo di Torre Argentina, 1, 00186 Roma RM, Italy
    View on map

    We will meet next to newspaper stand at the deuch bank, the last photo of the tour shows it. I will announce Guru walk with Eugene several times. Please be there at least 15 min before departure. I also advice to reach me via whatsapp for better communication. +393474295614

  • 1
    Outside visit
    Area sacra di Largo Torre Argentina.

    -Introduction of me as your guide. -Art as a social form of expression. -Rome as the first society to mass produce art. -Archaeology of the site, Julius Cesar's death. -Fall of Rome, social consequences.

  • 2
    Outside visit
    St Maria Sopra Minerva Basilica

    -Introduction to gothic art. -Introduction to The Renaissance. -Importance of art in Roman society. -1500's art, battle of the grandmasters. -Masterpiece in church. -Description of Santa Maria sopra Minerva. -Bernini's Elephant and the different grandmasters' personalities.

  • 3
    Outside visit

    NO ENTRY NO ENTRY -Original Building. -Archaeology of the site. -Raphael. -Pantheon Construction. -Present Building.

  • 4
    Outside visit
    Church of St. Louis of the French

    We go there to see Caravaggio and talk about realists. At this stage of the tour we discuss art, I no longer inform you in a passive way.

  • 5
    Outside visit
    Chiesa di Sant' Ignazio di Loyola

    We visit in a more relaxed way. Explanations are given but they are light, for more in depth we rely on questions, as by this point your senses will be overloaded. We finish with a recap of the tour and then salutations.

How much does this tour cost?

Free tours do not have a set price, instead, each person gives the guru at the end of the tour the amount that he or she considers appropriate (these usually range from €10 to $50 depending on satisfaction with the tour).

Tour opinions

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Who is this tour for?

Non suitable for people with reduced mobility.
Accepts reservations up to 12 people.
Not suitable for pets.

What should you know?

Minimum of attendees
A minimum of 5 people is required for the tour.
Additional costs:
The tour does not require the payment of entrance fees or additional expenses.
Free cancellation
If you will not be able to attend the tour, please cancel your booking, otherwise the guide will be waiting for you.
Payment methods
Only cash payment is accepted.
When do you want to go?
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