Angel is very animated, entertaining and prepared (ear phone for noisier days). He arrived exactly on time. The route is long and there is no real time for pictures. If you are in Cordoba briefly then this works; other wise you can do this on your own
Response from GuruHi Doug! Thank you very much for your comment. The group size was 16 people in total which is not a big size (compared to the average size in these dates) if you have done any other free walking tours. By the way it is high peak season now. I sometimes offer headphones service FOR FREE because of the noise in my city and I do my best to make sure we cover the most significant places/characters in my city which is what you expect when visiting a place on a 2 HOUR route (roughly) This is all in the description of my tour. I'm sorry you didn't like my style in some way but maybe what you need is a private guide that you will have to pay for, since YOU PAID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AT THE END OF THE TOUR. It is never late to be polite and say to guides what you didn’t like at the end of the tour, that helps us and would have been much more classy. Have a lovely day and have fun in Andalucía;)