(33 ratings)


Sono una persona estremamente accomodante con qualsiasi tipo di persona o paese, ho avuto la mia esperienza per 6 anni quando lavoravo con i miei colleghi in un piccolo ufficio che avevamo il cui nome era GCT, il nostro interesse poiché il turismo sta tornando nel paese è per offrire loro il miglior servizio di qualità poiché abbiamo sempre desiderato il folclore nicaraguense al 100% in modo che conoscano meglio il nostro paese e abbiano una buona esperienza

1 Tour di Chepe

Ratings (33)

(1 Rating) Winnipeg
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in famiglia - Sep 2024

Chepe provided a great historical context for present day Nicaragua. We saw many of the important buildings in Granada and the stories behind them.

(2 Ratings) Dublino
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Sep 2024

(1 Rating) Norwich
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Sep 2024

We loved it! We had a great time, Chepe was incredibly knowledgeable about Granada and Nicaragua as a whole, we probably learnt more from him in a couple of hours than we have the entire time in Central America. We did the afternoon tour which was nice, we walked to a lot of the main attractions and knowing them in depth was great to set us up for more exploring the rest of the time we’re here. 100% book with Chepe!

(2 Ratings) San Paolo
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Sep 2024

Firstly, the guide was drunk. We didn't understand what it was saying, it was 3 torturous hours.

Risposta di Chepe:
I'm sorry to have disappointed you, maybe I wasn't in my best days, but I think you shouldn't judge me so badly because I think the other comments speak for themselves.
Dan King
(1 Rating) Miami
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Sep 2024

Destinazioni a cui Chepe offre tour

(33 ratings)
