(5 ratings)


Originaria di Brooklyn e appassionata di viaggi, sono sempre stata attratta dalle culture vivaci e dai sapori diversi delle città di tutto il mondo. Il mio amore per i free walking tour è iniziato nel 2015, quando ho partecipato al mio primo tour a Berlino, e da allora ne sono rimasta affascinata. Che si tratti di esplorare le strade storiche di Budapest, le meraviglie moderne di Dubai o i vivaci mercati di Seoul, sono sempre alla ricerca di esperienze uniche e cibo locale. Ho ottenuto di recente la mia licenza di guida turistica di New York City e mi piacerebbe che tu ti unissi a un tour. Scopriamo insieme i tesori nascosti e le storie che rendono Bedstuy speciale!

1 Tour di Elle

Ratings (5)

(1 Rating)
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Sep 2024

I had such a wonderful time on my walking tour of Bed Stuy Brooklyn. As a long-term resident of the neighborhood, it was really nice to learn facts and details about some of the places I see every day. Our tour guide Arielle was so friendly, knowledgeable, and informative. This was my first ever walking tour and she made the experience a pleasure. I loved learning about the history of the old boys high school, learning about the historical areas, and really seeing the beauty of different gardens and architecture we visited. But most importantly I enjoyed getting a deeper sense of the rich history that the neighborhood holds. I also learned about some neighborhood resources that are available in Restoration Plaza that I will be utilizing in the future! I was reintroduced to some neighborhood gems I would love to visit. I would definitely recommend this tour to both residents and out of towners alike!!!

(1 Rating)
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Sep 2024

Me and my family had a great experience on Elle’s Rhythm and Roots walking tour of Bed-Stuy. As a native there are areas that you walk through and notice but don’t take the opportunity or time to learn more about the area that surrounds you, however Elle’s tour gave me a new perspective of my neighborhood. She was both knowledgeable and personable, providing questions to think about in order to keep the tour engaging. Overall this was a great way to stretch my legs and learn more about the beloved Bed-Stuy. I would recommend for both natives and people who may be visiting for the first time.

(1 Rating) Brooklyn
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Sep 2024

This tour was so insightful. Didn’t know theres so much history behind Bed-Stuy. Guru really knows her stuff! She had all the answers to the questions.

(1 Rating) Queens
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Sep 2024

Elle is incredibly knowledgeable about the neighborhood; it felt like attending a history lecture. She offered great suggestions for places to visit and has a wonderful sense of humor. She also took time for questions and shared some interesting trivia about Bedford-Stuyvesant. It was a delight to learn about the history of the area with her.

(1 Rating) Newark
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Sep 2024

The experience with Elle was nothing short of amazing! She was very well versed on the culture of Bedford-Stuyvesant and provided historiacal facts along the way. The architecture and details of the historic stops showed the essence and culture of the community. I highly recommend this tour to anyone looking to learn more about Brooklyn.

Destinazioni a cui Elle offre tour

(5 ratings)
