(10 ratings)

Cecilia - Guida turistica a Budapest

Sono un illustratore di libri per bambini. Amo viaggiare lentamente e mi piace disegnare ciò che vedo, come un modo per connettermi al luogo. Le mie avventure preferite sono state Tagikistan, Cile, Brasile, Irlanda e Italia. Sono il creatore delle borse da disegno Walkit, borse speciali per permetterti di disegnare/dipingere in movimento, quando e dove vuoi. Ti invito a unirti a me e provare a disegnare!

Sulla guida

Tour realizzati su GuruWalk: 11
Guida turistica su GuruWalk dal: 2023

1 Tour di Cecilia

Ratings (10)

(3 Ratings) Johannesburg
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Nov 2023

My tour with Cecilia was a highlight of my trip to Budapest! She exposed me to great new drawing methods and media that I look forward to using in future. On top of that she gave a local’s insights on Buda, as well as it’s history. I would recommend the tour to anyone!

(1 Rating)
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in famiglia - Aug 2023

(2 Ratings) Lund
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - Aug 2023

I had a great time on this tour! Cecilia's tour is totally unique, nothing I've ever seen before in any city. You learn about the place and the history on every such tour, but here this was only the smaller part of the experience. Cecilia taught us about sketching, which is a magical way to slow down and observe. It was fun to learn new skills and techniques, but the most fun was to somehow become more present, more embedded into the fabric of this amazing city, and feel almost like a local for these couple hours. Thank you Cecilia!

(1 Rating) Tel Aviv
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - Aug 2023

Cecilia was the best tour guide and sketch guide! we went to some really cool places around the castle and gave us really good sketching exercises. She also gave us some historical background about these places. In the end we bought handmade sketching kit bags from her! we had so much fun, If you like drawing and sketching, or if you want to try something new and see a different angle of the castle you should really go for it

(1 Rating)
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - Aug 2023

I went to the tour with my son and a friend. None of us had experience with sketching. Cecilia is a kind a friendly guide and gave us helpful tips, so making our first sketches ever was a very nice experience. The locations she chose for sketching offered possibilities for both beginners and advanced sketchers. We all enjoyed the tour and time just flew. Cecilia provides a unique view of Budapest and specifically the Castle, a serene walk with stories and sketching that I am happy to recommend

Destinazioni a cui Cecilia offre tour

(10 ratings)
