(24 ratings)

Muhamed - Guida turistica a Prizren

🌟 Ciao! Sono Muhamed, il tuo esperto di Prizren e il tuo più grande fan! 🚶‍♂️💙 Ti mostrerò i tesori nascosti della città, le storie epiche e la cultura vibrante, il tutto mantenendolo divertente e facile da apprezzare! 😊 Perché unirti a me? ✅ Segreti locali che non troverai nelle guide turistiche. ✅ Nessuna lezione noiosa, solo avventure vivaci e indimenticabili. ✅ Su misura per TE: fai domande, esplora liberamente e crea ricordi! Pronto a innamorarti di Prizren? Andiamo! 🌍✨ P.S. Porta la tua curiosità: penserò io al resto! 😉

Sulla guida

Tour realizzati su GuruWalk: 49
Guida turistica su GuruWalk dal: 2024
Lingue: Inglese

1 Tour di Muhamed

Ratings (24)

(2 Ratings) Újbuda
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Dec 2024

(2 Ratings) Praga
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Nov 2024

We were only in Prizren for a day tour so really appreciated the tour with Muhammed. Lasting about 1.5 hours, we were able to see the most significant sights and learn much more about the robust history and issues Kosovo overcame and how life is like for the residents. Nice city to visit and appreciated the tour.

(1 Rating) Copenaghen
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Oct 2024

We had a very nice walking tour! Muhamed was very nice and he knew a lot about Prizren and its history. Very interesting tour and a good experience!

Risposta di Muhamed:
Hey Rosa, I really appreciate the review about your experience. Good to hear that you enjoyed every hidden gem in the city of Prizren. Good luck!
(1 Rating) Berlino
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Oct 2024

The tour was very insightful and I enjoyed it very much!

Risposta di Muhamed:
Thank you Tobias for you wonderful review! It was my pleasure to show you the hidden gems of the city. Have a nice trip!
(1 Rating)
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in gruppo - Oct 2024

Risposta di Muhamed:
Giorgio, thank you all so much for traveling to Prizren! It was a joy guiding you through the city’s rich history, hidden gems, and sharing so many laughs along the way. I loved every moment we spent together, and I’m grateful for the memories we created. Here’s to more adventures soon!

Destinazioni a cui Muhamed offre tour

(24 ratings)
