(183 ratings)

Noah - Guida turistica a Charlottetown

Ciao, sono Noah Hemphill e vengo da Charlottetown, Isola del Principe Edoardo. Ho vissuto qui tutta la mia vita e ho imparato tutto su Charlottetown e la sua storia. Ho viaggiato in 25 paesi e dozzine di città in tutto il mondo e ho fatto molti tour lungo la strada, e sono appassionato di essere una guida turistica. Sto offrendo tour a pagamento in tutta Charlottetown e spero di portarti le stesse gioie del viaggio che le mie guide turistiche hanno portato a me.

Sulla guida

Tour realizzati su GuruWalk: 214
Guida turistica su GuruWalk dal: 2023
Lingue: Inglese

1 Tour di Noah

Ratings (183)

(1 Rating) Chester
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Aug 2024

We enjoyed Noah’s professional manner. He was very well informed of Charlottetown’s history. He included the Indigenous history.

(1 Rating)
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in famiglia - Aug 2024

Noah was a fantastic tour guide! He was very knowledgeable and able to answer additional questions along the way. He brought humour to parts of the tour and was an expert at engaging everyone. His delivery of the tour was well paced, audible at all times, and with just the right amount of information. He anticipated the group's needs all along the way, even going so far as to offer his jacket for folks to sit on so they wouldn't get wet from a park bench. Noah provides a welcoming and quaint tour experience, definitely recommend!

(1 Rating) Ottawa
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Feb 2024

My husband and I were the only 2 on the tour. We had offered to cancel but Noah insisted on still running the tour. He was very informative and showed us many places around Charlottetown. We learned a lot on our tour and would highly recommend.

(1 Rating)
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato in coppia - Aug 2024

Noah was a super good tourguide! He communicated via Mail quick and professional. At the beginning of the tour he gave informations about duration and the tour stops. He responded flexible to the needs of the group while being on the tour, he even integrated a parade (coincidental held simultaneously with our tour). To questions of any kind (historical, about local culture,...) he knew interesting answers and details. Plus he is a really nice and chill guy. We recommend anyone to do the freewalking tour with Noah. Dont miss out on that gem of an experience!

Sue O’Brien
(1 Rating) Auckland
Prenotazione verificata
Viaggiato da solo - Jun 2024

Destinazioni a cui Noah offre tour

(183 ratings)
