Ciao, sono Andrea. Un argentino nato in Brasile. Sono un musicista e amante della storia e dei viaggi, soprattutto in moto. Voglio mostrarti attraverso un free walking tour di quasi 3 ore tutto ciò che questa grande città ha da offrire: la sua storia, architettura e cultura. Grande Buenos Aires. La Parigi del Sud America! Vieni con me e ti svelerò tutti i suoi segreti!
Such a great tour, a bit long and a lot of things to see but Andreas managed to plan it perfectly with resting pauses, interesting stories, and a lot of foreshadowing. It never gets boring or tiring even though the tour is almost 3h and Andreas takes the time to answer all of our questions.
Spoke excellent English, the information provided on sights view was excellent, wasn’t rushed and would recommend this walk to anyone
Thank you for passing all that history in just 3 hours. Your passion for your city shines through - Merci. One of the best walking tours I have been on - anywhere!
Todo genial!
Was an amazing tour! Andreas was very knowledgeable and witty with interested stops like seeing the change of guard and architecture facts. I would highly recommend this walk