

Recensioni pubblicate (1)


Diese Tour war für mich enttäuschend. Ich habe viele Erfahrungen mit free walking Touren und diese Tour war eine der mit am wenigsten Niveau. Ich habe weniger Selbstdarstellung, weniger Anekdoten und mehr fundierte Informationen erwartet.

Risposta di Elswhere:
Hi Heike! Honestly, I am a bit astonished by your review. I shared a lot of history on your tour and asked if there were any questions. You did not respond, or expressed you wished more info. I do always tell a little of my own experience of living in this town and I have never ever had someone say it was self promotion. My touring style is personal, rather than reading out a cript on history. As far as more anecdotes go, I shared a lot of facts, history&stories. I am sorry you weren't happy with my tour, I wish you would have said something while on the tour- that could have changed your experience. Kind regards, Els