

Recensioni pubblicate (2)


The your guide was very attentivr and exceeded my expectations.


The tour guide was generally professional and good at their job, no doubt about that. However, the stories told felt like incomplete pieces that did not form a complete whole in my opinion. Of course, fitting everything into two hours is difficult and requires effort, I understand that. On average, I join at least one or two free walking tours in every city I visit. The only thing that bothered me about this tour was the excessive emphasis on the amount to be paid and the minimum average other paid tour prices in warsaw. At the end of the tour, I felt like I had to pay a substantial amount or I would be criticized, and this personally made me uncomfortable. (This was mentioned only at the beginning and end of the tour, not throughout, so I don’t want to be unfair.) Additionally, at the end of the tour, the guide showing the amount paid by those who left early to the group reinforced this feeling for me.
